Atlassian Jira REST API

seamlessly integrate your Jira product with your favorite tools and apps.



This API is best for integrating Jira applications with other external systems, such as CI/CD servers, source control systems, and cloud-based systems.

The JIRA REST API enables developers to interact with JIRA Programmatically. With this API, developers can work with resources such as issues, dashboards, and project properties. Additionally, the API can be used to embed JIRA data and applications into other applications, like websites and dashboards. Furthermore, it allows for the integration of JIRA with other external systems, such as CI/CD servers, source control systems and cloud-based systems.

Key features

Potential use cases

The Jira REST API enabled us to quickly and easily integrate the Jira issue tracker with our internal systems. This integration has greatly simplified our issue-tracking processes and enabled us to improve our customer support.

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