BB Contributor API

API for open banking and customer engagement



This API is best for creating integrated customer experiences, improving customer loyalty and building innovative open banking products and services.

The BB Contributor API allows developers to create customer-centric engagement experiences for the Brazilian banking industry. With this API, developers can quickly provide their customers with tailored banking solutions and diverse financial products within their current applications or websites. The easy-to-use Python SDK also enables seamless integration with existing applications and customer data to power customer insights. Furthermore, the rich analytics and reporting features let developers track and analyze customer behavior and provide customized, targeted marketing needs and customer services.

Key features

Potential use cases

Using BB Contributor API, we've been able to build our product quickly and efficiently and provide the Brazilian banking industry with solutions that are tailored to their customers’ needs. The SDK and API have enabled us to quickly develop secure, reliable customer experiences and gain insights into customer behavior. We highly recommend this API to any developers out there looking for innovation and to bring their solutions to the market faster!

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