Shrtcode API

The URL shortening API trusted by thousands



This API is best for developers who want to shorten URLs and track clicks and conversions

Developers would use this API to create short and easy to remember URLs to make them more user-friendly. Additionally, with the ability to track clicks and conversions, developers can gain valuable insights about their website's performance. The bulk shortening feature makes it easy to shorten a large number of URLs at once, while the custom aliases allow for a personalized touch. Finally, the QR code generation feature enables users to create and integrate QR codes for easier access to mobile devices.

Screenshot of Shrtcode API website

Key features

Potential use cases

The Shrtcode API has completely revolutionized our company's website. The ability to shorten and track URLs has provided us with valuable insights, and the QR code generation feature made it easy to provide mobile-friendly access to our website. We highly recommend the Shrtcode API to any developer looking to improve their website's performance.

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