SPTrans Olho Vivo API

The most complete public transportation data in São Paulo.



This API is best for developers who want to build applications that provide real-time information about public transportation in São Paulo.

A developer would use this API to build apps that improve the experience of using public transportation in São Paulo. With real-time data, users can track buses and plan routes in advance, reducing wait times and making the overall experience more efficient. The API can also be used to create customized alerts so users can stay up-to-date with any delays or changes to the transit system. Finally, the data can be used to provide analytics and insights into public transportation usage patterns in the city.

Screenshot of SPTrans Olho Vivo API website

Key features

Potential use cases

Using the SPTrans Olho Vivo API allowed us to build a cutting-edge transit app that has revolutionized public transportation in São Paulo. Our users love the real-time tracking features and customized alerts, and we're excited to continue building on this strong foundation.

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