Wiktionary API

The free and open-source encyclopedia of words and grammar



This API is best for finding word definitions, translations, and other linguistic information.

The Wiktionary API is a great tool to find information on words and grammatical structures. It's useful for language learners, dictionary applications and other linguistic research. With the cross-lingual search, developers can access the same content across more than 280 languages. Text classification allows developers to access the same content in different categories for more accurate results. The lists provide quick and easy access to commonly used words and phrases, and the access to historical versions of wiktionary pages helps to understand how a word or phrase has changed over time.

Screenshot of Wiktionary API website

Key features

Potential use cases

Using the Wiktionary API has been an invaluable tool in helping me learn how to properly use words and phrases in multiple languages. Having access to the cross-lingual search has been especially helpful in my language learning process. Highly recommend!

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