ygoprodeck API

Unlock card details from the biggest Yu-Gi-Oh! card database!



This API is best for retrieving, searching and managing card details for the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game.

Developers should use this API to easily retrieve card data from Ygoprodeck's expansive database. It is useful for creating game decks, apps and services which require card data from the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game. This API can also be used to access card images and additional details such as price, sets, rulings and rulings into other languages.

Screenshot of ygoprodeck API website

Key features

Potential use cases

The Ygoprodeck API has been a lifesaver for my Yu-Gi-Oh! game projects. All the card data I need from the biggest Yu-Gi-Oh! card database is easily accessible, and updating whenever a new card is released or something changes. I'm sure no other API could've done the same for me!

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